The aging process creeps on slowly, but the effects are definitely noticeable. Sagging skin, wrinkles, and facial volume loss – all of these issues can be hard on your self-esteem. If you have aging skin, our team at Sagebrush Dermatology can help. We offer PRP treatments to rejuvenate your look and help you feel beautiful again.

How Does Aging Skin Develop?
Aging skin develops as our collagen production declines. This is a natural process that begins at around age 30 and gets progressively worse. Once collagen has declined, wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, and discoloration are soon to follow. While we can’t stop this process from occurring, we can take measures to make its effects less intense.
What Are the Signs?
The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, brown spots on the hands, and crepey skin texture are some of the earliest signs of aging skin. These signs increase after age 30 and soon develop into a big concern for some. Everyone gets older, and it’s not a medical condition. However, improving the look of your skin by stalling the aging process can do wonders for your self-image.
Treatments for Aging Skin
Here at Sagebrush Dermatology, we provide platelet-rich plasma treatments to help rejuvenate your skin. The first option is a popular injectable treatment that can help temporarily eliminate wrinkles like crow’s feet and forehead lines. The second is a procedure that helps your skin renew itself through the use of your own natural platelets. We welcome you to schedule an appointment to learn more about these options.
Schedule Skin Rejuvenation in Mesa, Arizona
Aging skin signs can be reduced safely with help from an expert dermatological team. Here at Sagebrush Dermatology, we provide several options for helping you address these signs and feel beautiful again. Get in touch and schedule an appointment today by filling out the form below or giving us a call at 480-681-DERM (3376).