Surgical excision remains one of the most effective treatments for skin cancer. While more extensive than a shave excision, this procedure can deliver more effective results and ensure the spread of cancer if it is addressed early. At Sagebrush Dermatology, we offer this treatment for those showing signs of basal cell carcinoma and other cancers. To learn more, get in touch with our Mesa, Arizona office today.

What Is Surgical Excision?
A “full-thickness” or surgical excision is a procedure that removes cells or samples of skin from the body’s surface. This is done to remove potentially cancerous tissue and perform testing to diagnose the extent of the disease. It is typically performed in the case of three types of skin cancer; basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. It can also be performed for other conditions such as:
What Is Surgical Excision Like?
This process is done using a scalpel to remove a lump or an entire area of abnormal skin. A small portion of normal tissue is also removed for testing. This is all performed under a local anesthetic, so you shouldn’t feel any discomfort or pain during the excision. After the procedure, stitches may be needed to close the wound, and adhesive bandages will be placed over the excision to prevent bleeding.
When Is This Procedure Necessary?
If a doctor finds a suspicious-looking growth or lesion on your skin, additional testing may be needed to rule out cancer. The benefit of this procedure is that it can treat skin cancer while also allowing us to evaluate the extent of its spread. This can help us craft a treatment plan that will help keep you healthy in the long run.
Schedule a Surgical Excision in Mesa, Arizona
An abnormal growth or lesion can be a troubling sign, but there is help available. Our staff here at Sagebrush Dermatology can provide you with excision, diagnostic services, and ongoing support if you suspect you may have skin cancer. Get in touch by filling out the form below or calling our office at 480-681-DERM (3376).